Heroku SSL | Heroku Dev Center

SSL Profiles Part 7: Server Name Indication DevCentral Jun 13, 2013 Server Name Indication - Wikipedia sniに対応するには、アプリケーションの使うsslライブラリがホスト名を受け取る仕組みが必要である。osの機能を利用してssl通信を行うアプリケーションでは、osのssl機能がsniをサポートしない場合はsniを使うことはできない。2011年の時点でほとんどの How To Host Different SSL’s on One IP with IIS 8 SNI | SherWeb Mar 07, 2014

What Is SNI (Server Name Indication)? How Does It Work?

SSL Profiles Part 7: Server Name Indication DevCentral Jun 13, 2013 Server Name Indication - Wikipedia

SAN stands for Subject Alternative Name, and it's an x509 certificate property, and SNI is a feature that the SSL/TLS client can support, thus a totally different entity.. Using a certificate with SAN you can host multiple HTTPS-enabled sites on one IP address even if the client doesn't support the SNI.In this case you hold one certificate for all of your sites, and such certificate must

Oct 10, 2017 Server Name Indication (SNI) – Kemp Support